Pepper Schedin 

Alumni Hall of Fame
Year: 2009
Graduation Year: 1974
Received a Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics from the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 1988.
Filmed for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation PBS Documentary Film "For Women's Lives-Dialogues on Breast Cancer."
Avon Foundation Award for New Faculty in Breast Cancer Research, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado.
Award for Best New Research, 25th Congress of the International Association of Breast Cancer Research, Montreal, Canada, sponsored by Hoffman-La Roche.
Progressive Research Recognition; one of seven Department of Defense Breast Cancer Researchers highlighted in the 2007 Congressional Summary.
Recognized by the American Association of Cancer Researchers as an international expert in the field of pregnancy-associated breast cancer.
External Advisor for Research Funding Agencies including the National Cancer Institute, Department of Defense, and American Cancer Society.
Recipient of over five million in grants to study young women's breast cancer.

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